About Me



I’m writing a whole post about me, I feel like a narcissist. HAHA!!


I’m your average, girl-next-door college girl. I grew up in a country not my own but I love so dearly, the desert with New York lights. I love to talk rather than write. I became a frustrated writer overnight –last night to be exact. But I don’t really consider myself a writer but I do have a laptop that has Microsoft Word in it. I’m not really good with words, I just tend to mix and match till I produce something worth reading.

But I do think anyone could a writein most cases type– , all it takes is a mind full of ideas waiting to be voiced out.

I’m not a conformist. I always knew I wanted something different, eccentric. I don’t want to end up shuffling back and forth, doing the same thing every day, like ants in an ant farm. I always wanted more in life. I didn’t want to go to college and end up working the same job for 50 years. I always wanted to BACKPACK across the world, But let’s be practical unless I’m pooping money out of my ass, my chances are pretty slim.

That’s why here I am, in college trying to woo my way in hoping I’d get a decent job after. All I need is a decent saving for at least 2 countries. From that point, I could start my search for the GREAT PERHAPS. I know you might be thinking “what if I run out of money?” Well that’s the thing about backpacking I could just work everywhere, try everything while on the road. I could be waitressing at a bar and the next week be in a different city playing guitar on the street- not that I’m good at it- while tourist are tossing money in a jar as they walk by. It may sound juvenile to most –that’s what my parents think– but I want to steer clear of anything banal, anything that made me the same buzz of society that wakes up every morning and duplicates yesterday.

I’m nothing special. Like the rest I’m just a human being, but it doesn’t limit me to live a life free from our society’s standard of living. I don’t just live to survive but to thrive.

A lot of people may not understand me. Some may say I’m absurd and maybe I am. Some may say I’ll grow out of it after all I’m just 18 –young, wild & free. But that is a phony notion, as young as I may be I’m fully aware that age doesn’t measure maturity. I’m not implying that I am an expert in life. But I’m mature enough to realize that

Life is fleeting; So I might aswell fuck the hell out of life before it fucks me.





Merriam dictionary: Live verb \ˈliv\

                                         To be alive



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Live in the present, not in the future, not in the past. Just live.

The future is yet untold, the past is history but now, the present is yours to live.

Live now, not later, not awhile ago. Just live

Can you hear the ticking bomb? Every second of every minute of everyday counts. Live before it blows.

Live for the moment, not for what awaits, not for what has passed. Just live.

We only got one shot in this timeline we call life. It’s all or nothing. Make sure you don’t miss. Now go live!

Live! Live! Live!

Live without qualms, Live without hesitation, Live without faltering, Live without regrets, Live without the ghost of what ifs. Don’t hold back, Just live.

Live life, live love, live with pain, live with hurt, Just live!

You only get to live once, not twice, not thrice. Once, so live.

Don’t live for me. Don’t live for him. Don’t live for them

Live for yourself. Live on your own terms.Just live.

Breathing is different from living. Don’t just breathe, Live!

Dad Knows Best. ;)




Honey, I worry about you sometimes.” As he sit to the swing next to me.

I worry about me, too. Dad..” I answered as I gazed through the starry sky.

There was a minute of silence between us. I guess he was waiting for me to spill the beans. I’m not sure I would want to discuss it to my dad though.

Well…” He said breaking the peace

“I don’t know dad. It’s not that I’m dating the wrong guys. In fact all of them are amazing… for a while”

“…then I get bored” I uttered in a soft voice, almost a whisper. It wasn’t something I was proud of but it was the truth.

“Bored?” I can see the confusion in his eyes not that I dare to look at them. He seems to have a different understanding of what I just worded. That’s the thing about communication, what a sender says and what a receiver hears are typically two very diverse messages.

“It’s just that after a few dates, I know all there is to know about the guy. And the desire just fades. I can’t seem to find a guy who’s interesting enough to sustain my attention.”

“Oh Honey, I assure you one day you’ll find a match.” He said with confidence in his voice like he was so sure of it.

Once again we are both faced with the inevitable silence. I wasn’t certain to ask my dad but I just have to let it out.

“Dad, I’m scared when I think about marriage and settling down. I know I’m still years behind but I can’t help think How can I possibly spend my whole life with one man? Do you think there’s something wrong with me?”

“Well, I am your dad so being a bit twisted runs in our blood. And it’s okay to think about that stuff, after all finding your Prince Charming would be a lot tougher than for most girls. In your case, you just need to find a guy so great that it would take a whole lifetime to know every bit about him. Haha!” He laughed as he stood and walked towards the house.


And there I was. I have finally found my answer, there was a truth behind that smart comment he made.

I just have to find that guy, interesting enough to last for a lifetime.